Supercharge Your Health With Bee Pollen Supplements

Who Else Wants AN All-In-One Solution To Get Better Health and Vitality That Will Last?

Xiu Tang

As of today more and more people are using bee pollen supplements to help them improve their health. Bee Pollen supplements are not only natural, but they have a host of health benefits. From fatigue to strengthening the immune system, it's an overall great energy booster as well.

Xiu Tang

Bee pollen supplements and bee by-products are not new. These substances have been used by Ancient Civilizations for centuries before modern medicine ever existed. There even exists a type of bee shamanism (religion) that worships the healing and rejuvenating qualities of the bee by-products.

Here is a list of some of the benefits of pollen:

• Boosting the immune system so you don't get sick as often

• Increases your metabolism so you can burn fat and lose weight

• A great antioxidant to help cleanse your body of toxins

• Helps prostate problems, relieving you of pain

• Helps with insomnia and regulating blood pressure

and so much more...

There is simply no way you can ignore this healthy natural supplement!

The question is:

How and where can you buy high quality pollen supplements and start feeling more energized and alive?

To answer this question, we need to know what makes a high quality pollen supplement.

Buy Bee Pollen Supplements That Are Sourced From Pollution Free Locations

When you are looking for a potential brand of pollen, make sure you know where the pollen was sourced from. The source of pollen is extremely important in determining the quality of pollen.

Pollen that is sourced from high pollution areas like high industrialized countries like USA and China, contain many toxins and won't have the health benefits that you are seeking. Sometimes, low quality pollen can actually make you sick.

Sometimes companies in USA would stick on a label saying that their pollen is organic. But that doesn't mean much really. You think that if you're getting something that is organic it would be a healthy product.

But did you know that FDA requirements for labeling anything "organic" is anything that is home grown up to about 30 % percent? Hardly organic right?

In addition, some companies source their pollen from China. China is probably the worst place that you can get your pollen sourced from. China doesn't have any strict regulations when it comes to their air pollution, and because they are a growing economy, more and more factories are being built in the country. This contributes to the overall air pollution of the country.

Do you remember the smog that covered Beijing Olympics before the games even started? Not only that, Chinese companies have been known to not have the highest quality of products. Recently, large number of toys made for Mattel had to be recalled because the Chinese suppliers' toys had an alarming number of lead contamination.

Bee pollen sourced from countries like New Zealand is much better. New Zealand is a country that has strict standards and policies regarding their environment. Also New Zealand is an Island that is separated from most of the world. The Antarctica wind blows across New Zealand. The company that I buy my pollen from also gathers their pollen near a National Park.

Buy Pollen From a Reputable Company You Can Trust

As you can probably tell, buying pollen is not as simple as you may have thought. This makes buying pollen from a reputable company even more important. A reputable company is a company that will answer all of your questions.

Be wary of websites that sell pollen without any information about the company. Make sure you can find a physical address of the company and a telephone number.

Before you even think about buying the supplement, you should call the company and ask them about their refund policy.

Any reputable company selling pollen will have a no-questions-asked money back guaranteed. Some companies have a 30-day money back guarantee, I've found a company that has a 6 month guarantee.

If a company doesn't have a money-back guarantee, DO NOT BUY from them. Either their pollen is of low quality or worse it's full of toxins.

Your health is more important than saving a few bucks.

Buy Freeze-Dried Bee Pollen Capsules For Convenience

Some people say that buying fresh pollen granules from local farms is the best way to get pollen. This may be true, but fresh pollen granules from local farms have some issues. First granules must be consumed and used as soon as possible. Because pollen granules are a natural food, it goes bad just like any other food. Granules must be refrigerated once bought, and should be used within a couple of weeks.

Granules also may not be the best way to digest this wonderful supplement. Granules nutrients may be absorbed by the throat lining, which is not ideal to get the full benefits of pollen. Some people have overcome this problem by soaking pollen in water overnight to let the nutrients seep out of the granules. This is a good idea, but make sure to drink the water too.

One minor disadvantage of granules is that fact that it taste like dirt. I've personally tried to mix them with smoothies and shakes, but the taste of dirt doesn't really go away. Try to avoid cooking granules with hot food, as the heat destroys most of the nutrients in pollen.

If you don't want the hassle associated with granules, then bee pollen capsules are an effective convenient solution. Pollen capsules are similar to antibiotics, as all pollen is air tight and sealed into capsules. The capsule is great because you will only digest it in your stomach. This will ensure that you get most of all the nutrients that pollen has to offer.

Make sure you actually buy pollen capsules that are freeze-dried. This means that the company that harvests the pollen freeze-dries their pollen at the source. This ensures that the pollen nutrients are retained from collection to processing at the manufacturing plant.

Some companies heat-dry their pollen that at the source because it helps preserve the pollen for longer periods of time. They then take this pollen and compress it into small pollen tablets. These tablets have a very long shelf life. However, the major disadvantage is that it eliminates about half of the nutrients in pollen.

Because of this, always make sure you get freeze-dried pollen to ensure that you get the full energy inducing benefits of pollen.

Bee Pollen Recommendation

The pollen company that I buy my high quality pollen is from New Zealand. This company sources their pollen from Canterbury, New Zealand, which has virtually no pollution and borders a National Park. New Zealand is a country that has very clean skies and the country has very low levels of pesticide use.

This company has been in business for more than 10 years, and they also produce many other healthy nutritional supplements, besides bee pollen. This means that they are not a fly-by-night company cashing in on the new bee pollen craze.

The process that this company uses is on-par with pharmaceutical companies. This means that from the point of harvesting to the final packaging of the product, they test for microbiological and heavy metal contamination.

Supercharge Your Health With Bee Pollen Supplements
Xiu Tang

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