Mental - Emotional Disorders and Chinese Medicine

The Nei Jing which can be said to be the "Source" of all ancient theories of Chinese Medicine and which is also widely accepted as the earliest text devoted to medicine says: "In children blame the spleen, in adults blame the liver, in the aged blame the kidneys". What this means is that in children the most common cause of illness is a weak spleen which in effect means weak digestive abilities, in adults the main cause of illness is related to the liver, of which the most common TCM pathology is Liver Qi stagnation. In the aged the kidneys are to blame because it is the kidneys that hold the essence of life which have by now been largely consumed just as a candle consumes itself by giving off light. It is the statement with regard to adults that I will elaborate further on.

Xiu Tang

The liver in TCM is said to control the flow of qi in the body, it also opens into the eyes, stores blood (which it releases to other areas of the body when required), controls the contraction and relaxation of muscles, controls the emotions of anger, irritability and frustration and also influences strategy and decision making. We say that the liver houses the Hun, the ethereal soul which leaves the body when a person passes away and also allows for the focus of the individual on long term goals and objectives. The reason that the Nei Jing says blame the liver in adults is because adults are by definition those who have now come to live with "delayed gratification" as opposed to a child who seeks "instant gratification". This social constraint of not being able to do what we want to when we want to do it is in effect an inhibition of the qi mechanism, which in turn causes the qi to stagnate. This qi stagnation, since it being a function of the liver to maintain free flow of qi, first affects the liver manifesting as anger, frustration and irritability on a mental emotional level and because of the interrelationships of the liver with other organs can manifest as stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, and in fact a myriad of other symptoms depending on which organ or system is attacked by the build up of qi in the liver.

Xiu Tang

The classic feature that presents when any of the above symptoms are due to Liver qi stagnation is that the symptoms are worse for stress, it is therefore useful to ask: "Is it worse for stress?" or if you feel you will be leading the patient ask what the symptoms are worse and better for.

Acupuncture points that are useful for liver qi stagnation include Liver 3, Liver 13, LI4, Ren12, UB 18. Herbal formulae that are useful include Xao Yao San, Chai Hu Shu Gan San and even Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang when accompanied by Spleen qi vacuity.

The liver is the organ/system most often implicated in mental-emotional disorders though the other organs/systems also have similar relationships as follows:

Spleen/Stomach - Excessive worry and thinking can damage the spleen/stomach causing such symptoms as loose stools, metrorhaggia, profuse bleeding, poor appetite and in long standing cases are often the cause of many autoimmune disorders. Such patients may also have difficulty making decisions and be prone to obsessive behaviours

Kidneys - The emotion of the kidney is fear and it houses the Zhi which is the will, hence lack of willpower and inordinate fear are typical when the kidney is weak. Fright or excessive fear may also induce kidney weakness which may then manifest as bedwetting, incontinence and impotence.

Lungs - The lungs are weakened by grief and sadness. Since the lungs are intimately involved in the production of qi in the body this often leads to deficient qi manifesting as chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and asthma.

Heart - The heart is damaged by excessive joy, which we say slows the qi down or causes it to become "slack", this can be fatal if the individual already has a heart condition.

Sometimes patients come in for a particular mental-emotional or prediagnosed psychiatric condition. TCM is well suited to treating such disorders because of the novel approach and tools at the practitioners disposal, here follows the common patterns that are behind many of these disorders and some tips on their treatment:

Obsessive-compulsive disorders/tendencies - This condition is most often related to a weakness of the spleen with resultant accumulation of dampness. Acupuncture points include ST40, SP3. Herbal formulae include Modified Si Jun Zi Tang.

Withdrawal - Often due to either kidney yang vacuity in which case the problem is not enough willpower to engage the outside world or cold-phlegm obstructing the portals of the heart which almost always presents with a tongue with a thick white coating that covers the majority of the tongue surface. Points: Kidney vacuity - UB23, K7; Phlegm - ST40, Yintang. Herbal formulae: Kidney vacuity - Fu Gui Ba Wei Wan; Phlegm - Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Wan

Mania - Can be due to liver-fire or phlegm-fire obstructing the heart. Points: Liver-fire - Liv 2; Phlegm - ST40, Liv 2. Herbal formulae: Liver fire - Long Dan Xie Gan Wan; Phlegm - Wen Dan Tang

Anxiety - Usually either blood or yin vacuity.

Paranoia - More often blood stasis but can be blood vacuity as well

Seasonal Affective Disorder - Almost always Kidney yang vacuity

It must be stressed in conclusion that although Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can effectively treat many mental-emotional disorders, the practitioner cannot assume the role of the psychotherapist or psychologist. It is essential that if the underlying pattern has an issue that needs addressing by a qualified counselor or therapist, as in the case of trauma, that the TCM practitioner work together with such a professional in managing the illness together.

(Please note: This article is intended for practitioners and to give an insight to the public on how Chinese Medicine is able to treat mental health issues, if you are not a practitioner please do not act on the advice given herein, rather consult a professional practitioner of Chinese Medicine who will be able to treat based on the individual nuances of your condition)

Mental - Emotional Disorders and Chinese Medicine
Xiu Tang

Special Price!!! Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version)

Oct 31, 2011 19:52:30

Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version)
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Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version)

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Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version) Feature

  • Help the over fat person lose weight, and keep the long lasting reducing result
  • Main ingredient; Green algae which is a second-generation anti-fat ingredient
  • It can destroy fat chain to decompose and release fat
  • Reduce areas where fat easily accumulate as waist belly
  • Cleaning the intestine system

Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version) Overview

Original Japan Rapid Weightloss Pills from Japan! It is easy and healthy! The Main ingredient is Green algae which is a second-generation anti-fat ingredient. Green Algae help convert mast fat cells into flat cells effectively without fat. As soon as the cell membrane sticks together, cells can no longer absorb fat. Also it penetrate into the cortex, catching the source of fat to stop fat cells from expanding. It can destroy fat chain to decompose and release fat. Ingredients: Bamboo powder, green alga extract, shell polyose, vegetable fiber, Dicalcium Phosphate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid (Vegetable), Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, Maltodextrin, Dextrose Monohydrate, Titanium Dioxide, Lecithin (Soya), Red #40 Dye, Sodium Citrate Dyhydrate. Directions; As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules in the morning 30 minutes prior to breakfast at the first 3 days, take 3 capsules at the following days. Each time on an empty stomach with 8 oz. of water. Do not exceed 4 capsules in any 24-hour period. Use Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills with a low-fat, calorie-reduced diet and exercise program last at least 45 minutes daily.

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Japan Rapid Weight Loss Pills (Blue Version)

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The Secret Messages in Jade

A particularly charming aspect of jade renderings is the hidden meaning in the carvings. Jade carvings are often symbolic puns on spoken Chinese. Bats, for example, are a symbol of happiness or blessings because the spoken syllable for bat (fu) sounds the same as that of blessing. Bats are often shown upside down because the Chinese word dao (upside down) is a pun on the word "arrived," so an upside down bat implies that happiness has arrived. The swastika is a visual pun on the word wan meaning "ten thousand," making the whole object a symbolic invocation of 10,000 blessings. The three legged toad symbolizes prosperity; the peach, longevity; and ducks, marital bliss. The variety of symbols is seemingly infinite, and trying to decipher the secret messages in old carvings is another aspect that makes jade collecting an addictive pastime.

Xiu Tang

The cryptic message in jade is called a rebus, a riddle composed of words with syllables depicted by symbols or pictures that suggest the sound of the words or syllables they represent. For example, a common rebus for blessings is the foshou or Buddha's hand citron, a fruit which resembles Buddha's fingers. When the Buddha's hand citron is combined with the peach and pomegranate, it forms the motif of "the three plenties" - a wish for abundance of blessings, longevity and offspring.

Xiu Tang

In China, xi or happiness, was often represented by the magpie whose name (xi) is a pun for happiness. A magpie perched on the top of prunus branch (mei), which stands for eyebrows, represents a rebus for "happiness up to one's eyebrows." Two magpies become a symbol for double happiness.

The flower that symbolizes marriage is the lotus (hehua or lianhua). He is a pun for harmony while lian is a pun for continuous, therefore, a wish for continuous harmony. The lotus is one of the few flowers whose seedpod is already present when the flower begins to bloom. To the Chinese, this excellent omen prophesied the early arrival of sons. Other symbols of marriage include the double fish, a symbol of fertility and conjugal bliss; fish and water (a rebus for "may you agree like fish and water"), and a pair of mandarin ducks, symbols of fidelity and a happy marriage. The crab (a pun for xie) holding a stalk of grain is yet another rebus for harmony.

The dragon and phoenix were originally reserved as royal symbols of marriage, but they soon came into common use. Another symbol of connubial bliss is represented by two badgers, a rebus for "double happiness." Symbols for children include gourds and vines, or melons with butterflies.

In ancient China rank was closely associated with wealth, for once a man became an official he was set for life. Therefore, it was the ardent wish of parents that their sons become scholars to pass the civil service exams with flying colors. The flower that symbolizes this wish is the tree peony-the most popular Chinese botanical motif. Because of this association the peony became known as the flower of wealth and rank. Peonies are often combined with magnolia and crab apple blossoms to form the auspicious phrase yutang fugui or "wealth and rank in the jade hall or wealthy establishment." (Jade Hall was also an elegant name for the Hanlin Academy, an official bureau in China made up of the highest literary degrees.)

The wish for an abundance of riches is evident among numerous rebuses connected with wealth. Cash (coins with a square hole in the middle) or gold and silver ingots were the symbols of wealth in China. The interlocking coin motif was a popular one. A goldfish wrapped in a lotus leaf signifies hebao jinyiu or "an abundance of gold in one's purse." A school of goldfish swimming in a pond (tang) is a pun implying a wish for one's household to be filled with gold and jade. Abundance leads to prosperity. Three rams (sanyang) meant prosperity in the springtime, a complicated rebus which was a very auspicious symbol of the new year. There were a number of gods of wealth in China including a seated official holding a gold ingot; a child dancing on an ingot or carrying one; or Liu Hai who teases his toad with a string of cash.

Shouying, the God of Longevity, is a benevolent old gentleman with a prominent cranium holding a staff and the peach of immortality. The peach is of paramount importance in Chinese culture and one of the most popular motifs. Cats and butterflies are also symbols of longevity. Cranes, traditionally associated with pine trees, are both motifs for longevity. When shown together they imply a wish for the bride and groom to live to a ripe old age.

The Chinese believed in combating poison with poison and created the motif of wudu or the "five poisons" represented by the viper, the spider, the toad, the centipede and the scorpion. The amount of poison generated by these creatures was thought to counteract any pernicious influence. A tiger was also thought of as a charm against evil influences.

Animals played an important role in Chinese symbolism. The water buffalo was the most important animal in Chinese agriculture. The pig represented the main source of meat in the Chinese diet, and bears were a favorite animal to use as supports to show the ability to carry great weight. With the introduction of Buddhism into China came the use of different animals native to India, where Buddhism originated. Lions (sometimes called foo dogs) guarded temples and tombs, the elephant symbolized Buddhist teachers and was often carved in jade, as were the attributes of the Eight Immortals, symbolized by the fan, the double gourd, the iron crutch, bamboo fish drum, the lotus, flower basket, sword and fly whisk, castanets and the flute.

The ancient tomb jades, which were buried with the deceased to prevent decomposition of the corpse, included the cicada or locust, dragons, hydras, kylin and fish images. The cicada was particularly symbolic because the larva of this insect spends the first four years of its life underground and emerges as a complete insect, symbolizing immortality and resurrection. Even abstract patterns were used to depict clouds, rice grains, silkworms and bamboo, all important features of Chinese culture.

The symbolism found in jade carvings can become very complex in its intent, but the next time you encounter an old jade carving take a moment to consider the secret message it contains.

The Secret Messages in Jade
Xiu Tang

Special Price!!! Absonutrix South African Hoodia 2000 Pure - 90 Capsules! - Amazing Weight Loss! - Highest Quality Guaranteed! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!

Oct 30, 2011 20:41:20

Absonutrix South African Hoodia 2000 Pure - 90 Capsules! - Amazing Weight Loss! - Highest Quality Guaranteed! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!
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Absonutrix South African Hoodia 2000 Pure - 90 Capsules! - Amazing Weight Loss! - Highest Quality Guaranteed! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!

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Absonutrix South African Hoodia 2000 Pure - 90 Capsules! - Amazing Weight Loss! - Highest Quality Guaranteed! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!! Feature

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Absonutrix South African Hoodia 2000 Pure - 90 Capsules! - Amazing Weight Loss! - Highest Quality Guaranteed! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!! Overview

Hoodia Gordonii is a succulent in the family Asclepiadaceae. It forms multi-stemmed clumps 45cm (18in) high and bears unpleasant-smelling, pale purple disc-shaped flowers 7.5-10cm (3-4in) in diameter. Hoodia Gordonii grows in semi-arid areas of South Africa. The San people, formerly known as bushmen, of the Kalahari eat the bitter-tasting plant on long hunting expeditions. The chemical constituents in Absonutrix Hoodia 2000 Pure work within the satiety center by releasing a chemical compound similar to glucose, but is up to 100,000 times more powerful. The hypothalamus receives this signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed and this in turn stunts the appetite. This pure organic Hoodia, contains a miracle molecule that, in effect, fools the brain into believing you are full, and even stops you from thinking about food.Amazing results! Just watch the fat wash away!

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Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags

Special Price!!! Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags

Oct 28, 2011 13:49:05

Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags
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Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags

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Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags Feature

  • Pack of 30 bags
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Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea 30 Bags Overview

Bamboo Leaf Brand True Slim Diet Tea is an FDA approved dieter tea (U.S. F.D.A. N.D.C No. LI0028381). It has been proven an outstanding natural "helper" to reduce weight, reduce bloating, improve metablism, cleanse digestive system, and remove excessive fat deposits from your body.

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New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement

Special Price!!! New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement

Oct 27, 2011 04:54:04

New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement
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New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement

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New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement Feature

  • Loose weight
  • weightloss dietary supplement
  • Surpress hunger
  • No jitter
  • Does not have make you shake like diet pills

New Diet Alert Weightloss Dietary Supplement Overview

New Diet Alert weight-loss pills consist of Green Tea Extract, L- Carnitine, Lotus Leaf. New Diet Alert weight-loss is known to stimulate the metabolic process, eliminate cravings and reduce appetite. This product helps loose more weight then Zi Xiu Tang Bee pollen product.Lotus Leaf is used to tonify the kidneys and nourish the heart. New Diet Alert is 100% natural and helps you to detoxify the body, increase your metabolism, lose weight and maintain skin elasticity.New Diet Alert weightloss separates the good fat from the bad fat in your body, allowing the bad fat to flush itself out until only the good fat remains. Your body starts to look tone and firm without any exercise, your face begins to look smoother and younger.

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Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules

Special Price!!! Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules

Oct 25, 2011 22:27:13

Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules
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Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules

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Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules Feature

  • Serving Size - 3 capsules

Nature's Way - Bee Pollen Blend, 580 mg, 180 capsules Overview

Nature's Way bee Pollen capsules contain a high quality Bee Pollen blend from Europe and China and contains a wide range of nutrients.

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Glorious History of the Art of China - Five Dynasties

Painting and Pottery grew immensely as the Five Dynasties Art of China. Otherwise, mostly the Empire was all the time busy with the warfare. The fall of the Tangs in 907 AD, led to the division of China once again, into a multi-state system ruled by the competing dynasties and kingdoms. This period of political disunity lasted until 960 AD and is known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period. Five regimes succeeded one another in the north while 10 regimes occupied successively in Southern and Western China. The Five Dynasties were the Later Liang Dynasty, Later Tang Dynasty, Later Jin Dynasty, Later Han Dynasty, and Later Zhou Dynasty, while Wu, Wuyue, Min, Chu, Southern Han, Former Shu, Later Shu, Jingnan, Southern Tang, and Northern Han were the Ten Kingdoms.

Xiu Tang

Five Dynasties Art Forms of China
Landscape Painting. The Five Dynasties Art witnessed influential changes, especially in Chinese painting. The themes canvassed, shifted from being figurative to natural landscapes. The sophisticated artists of this period moved over the "Blue and Green Painting" style with ornate pictures. This shift led to the emergence of great painters, who subscribed to bold and progressive brush techniques, discarding the fine line drawing and heavy coloring. Famed artists, such as Jing Hao and Guan Tong, created new styles providing technical solutions that were an essential gate to the golden age of Chinese landscape painting.

Xiu Tang

These masters developed 'Texture Techniques' known as 'Fu Pi Cun' (Ax Chopped strokes), which in combination with the 'Ink-Wash' techniques, used varied textures, shades, and the tones of ink to give the image more depth. There was a predominance of displaying dry and rocky landscapes to reflect a grand perspective of a terrain, sometimes referred to as the "full-view" landscape.

Pottery. Ceramics, as a Five Dynasties Art form, covers the entire forty-five century span of Chinese history. The production of fine ceramic wares was unaffected by the political turbulence and instead, the quality of the output of the famed 'Yue kilns' peaked during this period. Some Yue ware known as 'bise yao' (prohibited) were especially made and were reserved for exclusive royal use. A new porcelain technique called 'whiteware' was developed, which was thin, strong "china" with a pure white glaze.

Flower and Bird Paintings. Painting the patterns of flowers and birds on pottery, bronze vessels, and phoenix paintings on silk existed as far back as the seventh century BC, developing into a genre of art with a variety of developed techniques. The painting significantly flourished as the Five Dynasties Art, along with the Chinese landscape painting. Notable artists of this period were Huang Quan, Xu Xiwho, and Huang Jucai. They helped establish the classical Flower-and-Bird painting of the Huang Family as the standard style, which further evolved into 'Gong Bi' and 'Xie Yi."

Glorious History of the Art of China - Five Dynasties
Xiu Tang

Special Price!!! Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

Oct 24, 2011 12:43:27

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)
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Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

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Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) Feature

  • Flushes and cleanses your extra weight in natural fastest & safest way, losing 1lb a day is not longer a problem
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  • Fight Diabetes, no harm to your liver, kidney, and stomach.

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) Overview

No side effects, no diarrhea. Acai slim is 100% natural - Super weight loss & Antoxidant Formula! Look Great, feel great, Flush out excess pounds, more energy, fight fatigue, increase metabolism.

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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules

Special Price!!! Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules

Oct 23, 2011 10:01:08

Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules
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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules

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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules Overview


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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsules

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The 4 Steps to Natural Weight Loss

Ever wondered why a number of weight-loss programs fail? It appears that exclusive focus on the breakdown of body fats rather than on the telling factors of proper nutrition, digestion and metabolism is not a sustainable approach to easing the excess pounds. It takes a holistic approach to remediate these critical factors.

Xiu Tang

Find below the basic steps and the recommended herbal remedies to support an effective weight loss regimen.

Xiu Tang

#1 Detoxify

Effective weight loss commences with the treatment of disorders lagging down the body's metabolic functions. Environmental toxins, sedentary lifestyles, alcoholism, smoking, and drug addictions all contribute to blocking off the metabolic process right from the cellular level.

Extracts of the Dandelion can stimulate the digestive process. Likewise, the herb helps regulate the liver function of filtering circulatory wastes.

The herb Pelargonium is a popular ingredient of herbal supplements in line with its ability to flush-out harmful toxins from the body.

Centaury is regarded for its excellent blood cleansing properties that aids in the detoxification process. Meanwhile, other supplements use Cleavers in therapeutic dosages as a lymphatic cleanser.

#2 Stimulate the Digestive Process

Infusions of Ginger have been found effective in the treatment of underlying digestive disorders that slowdown down the metabolic functions of the body.

To enhance metabolism, the kitchen herb Cayenne Pepper is known to promote the healthy production of gastrointestinal juices.

Turmeric, on the other hand, has long been used to stimulate bile production and aid in the breakdown of dietary fat.

#3 Promote Healthy Energy Levels in the Body

One of the greatest obstacles to the upkeep of healthy weight involves the inability to control cravings. Binging appetites can be resolved through the administration of herbal appetite suppressants such as Fennel that pose as a healthy alternative to diet pills being all natural and enriched with vitamins and minerals. Likewise, the Malabar Tamarind is also utilized to balance-off appetites and preclude the storage of body fat in fat stores.

#4 Use Natural Supplements for Effective Weight-Loss

Various medicinal formulas employ the therapeutic compounds of herbs due to their effective cleansing properties and enhancing benefits to the digestive system.

Herbal supplements such as DetoxDrops expertly combine (in standardized measures) the medicinal extracts of Dandelion, Pelargonium, and Fennel to effectively aid in the metabolic process through detoxification. To sustain a weight loss program, the herbal supplement EcoSlim becomes a perfect complement due to its holistic formulation.

In conclusion, remember that to achieve long term weight loss, one must initially address dietary and metabolic issues at hand. Herbal remedies have always been nature's blessing to aid in the pursuit of sustainable losing weight.

The 4 Steps to Natural Weight Loss
Xiu Tang

Special Price!!! Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule

Oct 22, 2011 08:16:26

Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule
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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule

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Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule Feature

  • No diet restrictions
  • Maintain skin elasticity
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  • One time per day for convenience
  • 48 grains/bottle

Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule Overview

Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule[Main Ingredients] Tea (Oolong tea), Hawthorn, Lotus leaf, Mulberry leaves, Cassia, Dietary Fiber and so on [Directions & Dosage] Once a day, 2 grains each time; take it separately or together with food in the morning.[Targeted Group]Recommended by PandabuyPure fatness, postpartum fatness, including fatties unable to reduce and control their weight with diet control or sports.[Unsuitable For] Pregnant and breast-feeding woman, adolescent, people with serious diseases and allergic to this product.Recommended by Pandabuy[Specification] 48 grains/bottleRecommended by Pandabuy[Storage] Sealed and put in a cool and dry place[Shelf Life] 3 yearsThe distinctive features of Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule1. One time per day for convenienceZi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule was authorized by U.S FDA. It is the product which has the lowest daily dose to slim the figure and clean the fat .Today, the pace of people's life is ever-accelerating, and taking conveniently has been an important factor in choice. The distinctive features of the product make it easy to slim the figure and clean the fat, which is distinctive with other product in market.2. No diet restrictionsThe effect of slimming body and cleaning fat is not relying on diet restrictions. 3. Maintain skin elasticityIt doesn't rely on diarrhea dehydration to clean the fat. It can maintain skin elasticity after slimming the body and cleaning the fat, so that it won't lead to skin relaxation, but have the effect of beauty4. Safe without side effectsZi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsule is derived from natural plant ingredients. It can improve the human endocrine and microcirculation and regulate the metabolic balance. It can maintain skin elasticity after slimming the body and cleaning the fat. It's safe, convenient and quick effects.

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Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules

Special Price!!! Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules

Oct 21, 2011 06:46:10

Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules
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Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules

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Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules Feature

  • Supports natural efforts within the body to increase the metabolism
  • Supports natural efforts within the body to lower sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Supports natural efforts within the body to increase immune system

Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules Overview

Bee Pollen pills consist of bee pollen, Chinese yam, barberry wolfberry fruit , lotus seed and dietary fiber. Bee Pollen is known to stimulate the metabolic process, eliminate cravings and reduce appetite. Chinese yam helps with immune deficiency and strengthens kidney function. Barberry Wolfberry fruit works as a antioxidant and helps with aging and vision. Lotus seed is used to tonify the kidneys and nourish the heart. Dietary fiber makes you feel full faster and helps to control your weight. Bee Pollen is 100% natural and helps you to detoxify the body, increase your metabolism, lose weight and maintain skin elasticity.In addition Bee Pollen active ingredients promote skin cell metabolism and make the face appear smoother by prolonging the aging skin cells.

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Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules

Limited Offer Today!! Zi Xiu Tang (2 60 capsule Boxes) 120 Capsules Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps

Special Price!!! Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps

Oct 19, 2011 21:51:39

Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps
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Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps

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Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps Feature

  • The super nutritious way to boost your energy levels
  • Referred to as "nature's most complete health food"
  • Certified pure and free of microbials
  • Sourced from U.S. facilities, not from overseas

Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps Overview

Discover nature's most complete health food in supplement form with Swanson Bee Pollen! This unique formula features an incredible array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, co-enzymes. It delivers the benefits of B vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids. This highly digestible, super-nutritious dietary supplement is an excellent way to boost your energy levels. Unlike other companies that use pollen sourced from overseas, our bee pollen is domestic pollen gathered from the Upper Midwest in the heartland of the United States. It is also tested for Chloramphenicol and has to pass very strict testing standards to be accepted for production.

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This Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps

Limited Offer Today!! Bee Pollen 400 mg 300 Caps Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

Special Price!!! Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

Oct 18, 2011 22:02:23

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)
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Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) <<

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) Feature

  • Flushes and cleanses your extra weight in natural fastest & safest way, losing 1lb a day is not longer a problem
  • Help Toning your whole body quickly, no more saggy skin with no exercise needed.
  • Detoxify your internal system to enhance health heart, brighter skin, shinnig hair, and espeically no more bad breath
  • Lower your Choleseral level
  • Fight Diabetes, no harm to your liver, kidney, and stomach.

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) Overview

No side effects, no diarrhea. Acai slim is 100% natural - Super weight loss & Antoxidant Formula! Look Great, feel great, Flush out excess pounds, more energy, fight fatigue, increase metabolism.

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This Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules)

Limited Offer Today!! Acai Slim ~ Super Weight Loss & Antioxidant Formula! 100% Natural--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! + 1 Free bottle Extra Strength Filsh Oil (36 capsules) Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Fit Fast

Special Price!!! Fit Fast

Oct 17, 2011 10:20:15

Fit Fast
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Fit Fast

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Fit Fast Feature

  • Lose Weight, Increase metabolism, Gain Energy
  • Reduce Appetite, Curb Cravings, Burn Fat
  • Remove harmful toxins from body
  • Lower Cholesterol/Blood Sugar
  • NO Diet/Excercise Needed -- MADE 100% IN THE USA

Fit Fast Overview

Fit Fast is an all-natural, herbal supplement designed to help promote weight loss through utilizing thermogenesis, detoxification and appetite reduction.Fit Fast is 100% MADE IN THE USA, made from all natural herbs and created/encapsulated in an NSF certified and FDA compliant facility in accordance with GMP standards. With such strict standards, you can be sure that what you see on the label is what you get! Fit Fast allows users the freedom of eating the foods they love while helping them to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Losing weight, eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are within reach with Fit FastTMFit Fast contains a proprietary blend of the following ingredients:Chromium, Garcinia Cambogia extract, Advantra Z®, Lumathin®, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, Brown Seaweed, Fucoxathin, Buckthorn Bark, Gelatin, Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium StearateFit Fast helps you to create and maintain a healthy way of living and eating so that you can maintain your weight loss!Doing any general search on how to boost your metabolism or lose fat will result in a few million answers most of which include eating smaller meals, more frequently, drinking more water, reducing the size of snacks and getting more exercise. Fit Fast promotes all of these ideals and incorporates them into the ease and simplicity of just two capsules daily.BENEFITS of FIT FAST:? Lose Weight, increase metabolism? Reduce your appetite? Burn Fat through Thermogenesis? Detox harmful free radicals and toxins from your body? Improve the look and feel of your hair/nails? Blocks body from storing fat? Promotes lower cholesterol? Promotes stable blood sugar levels? Gives a gentle, steady boost of energy - NOT a jittery high.? Promotes healthy eating? NO DIET or EXTREME exercise necessary!? Boosts ImmunityTAKING FIT FASTTaking Fit Fast is easy!! Just take two (2) capsules per day at the start of your day.

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This Fit Fast ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Fit Fast

Limited Offer Today!! Fit Fast Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today!

Special Price!!! 4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today!

4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today!
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4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today!

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for 4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today! <<

4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today! Feature

  • Lose belly fat!
  • Lower your cholesterol!
  • 1200 mg per serving! 90 Capsules!
  • Most effective Weight Loss formula available!
  • Best Deal on the web!

4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today! Overview

Do you want to lose belly fat or lower your cholesterol? Then you need to know about Absonutrix African Mango Pure. Absonutrix African Mango is also known as Irvingia Gabonensis. Similar to the mango, the seeds of Irvingia Gabonensis are high in fiber, which is essential to removing cholesterol from the body. Our Absonutrix African Mango (1,200mg/Max Strength) blend is one of the most effective Weight Loss formulas available. In addition to Irvingia Gabonensis, the African Mango Pure from Absonutrix contains other supplements: Maqui Berry - a powerful antioxidant Acai Fruit - which some people call the healthiest food on the planet Green Tea Extract - an anti-carcinogen, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-radiation Resveratrol - which may slow down or reverse the effects of aging Absonutrix guarantees the quality of our African Mango Pure. It is the most advanced formula available in the market today and is made with the highest quality ingredients. The West African Mango is grown naturally in the rainforests of Cameroon Africa and is considered to be a natural source of cholesterol management and a weight management agent. While the African Mango may be considered to be an effective, natural diet supplement, its true genius could be with how it can help the obese lose weight. Maybe the biggest factor could be African Mango's natural ability to act as an appetite suppressant. Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps us control our appetites; however, most obese people have built up a resistance to leptin because, in part, to high levels of C-reactive protein (CPR). CPR can bind to leptin, lessening its effectiveness. Absonutrix African Mango Pure - comprehensive formula. Latest Weight Loss & Slimming Sensation Product! This best selling Weight Loss contains: African Mango Extract (also known as Irvingia Gabonensis (or irvingia gabonesis).

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This 4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today! ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today!

Limited Offer Today!! 4 Bottles - Absonutrix African Mango - 360 Slimming Capsules Total - The Most Effective Weight Loss Formula Available Today! Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Weight Loss and Other Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper or Red Pepper has been an important ingredient of Asian dishes for centuries. Unknowingly the eastern or Asian people have been reaping the health benefits of Cayenne Paper while using it as a flavoring agent. Though naturopathy practitioners are aware of the wonderful qualities of this spice, common people consume it more as a spice than a medicinal herb.

Xiu Tang

Suffering from obesity, weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many other life style diseases is a quite common these days. Many of these ailments are inter-related. Obesity or excess weight is the root of many lifestyle diseases therefore if you can get rid of your excess weight; some of these diseases can be cured naturally.

Xiu Tang

Western people do not like to spice up their food as much as their eastern counterparts do. Though too much spice is harmful for health, moderate and limited quantities of some spices work wonders for overall health. Cayenne Pepper is one such spice/herb that must be taken in moderate quantities for overall health.

Following are some of the health benefit of Red Pepper

• Good for Heart Health- Red Pepper is known to improve circulation and nourishes the heart with vital nutrients. It works wonders to remove plaque deposited on the internal walls of the arteries. It lowers cholesterol level and detoxifies the blood stream that results in better functioning health. In fact some naturopaths believe that it can also stop heart attacks.

• It is Anti Cancerous - Though it cannot cure cancers, it has been scientifically proven that cayenne pepper can kill prostate cancer cells. If you consume red pepper in moderate quantities regularly; your chance of developing prostate cancer is greatly minimized.

• It Cures Ulcers- Surprisingly despite its bitter taste and natural calidity, red pepper works wonders for ulcers, hemorrhoids and gall bladder

• Weight Loss- Cayenne pepper helps in production of many digestives juices and regulates metabolism. As most of us know that fast metabolism is essential for quick weight loss, red pepper can be used for losing weight as well. However care should be taken because just consuming red pepper will not result in weight loss; it must be combined with some other ingredients for perfect results.

Recently some red pepper based weight loss products have hit the market in a big way. These pills have become highly popular because they do not interfere with your regular diets. If you consume chili diet pills even without changing your eating habits, you will see some remarkable weight loss effects.

Weight Loss and Other Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
Xiu Tang

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Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula

Special Price!!! Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula

Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula
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Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula <<

Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula Feature

  • SliMaxTM + Acai is the new and enhanced version of SliMax~750mg capsule for maximum Strength w/ Acai Berry "Superfood"
  • natural ingredients are combined to suppress your appetite, cleanse and detoxify your body
  • Get Maximum Results~Lose up to 25 Pounds in just 30 Days!!
  • SliMaxTM+Acai will suppress your appetite while also burning fat and calories.

Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula Overview

SliMaxTM + Acai is rich in antioxidants that can work to help you cleanse your system and lose weight. Acai berry is known to contain ten times more antioxidant vitamins than grapes and twice more than blueberries.Made from natural ingredients that can support your health while helping achieve your ideal weightSliMaxTM + Acai ingredients are proven to help you lose weight quickly and naturally. A dietary supplement, formulated to help speed up your metabolism. For best results take one capsule a day with your breakfast and drink lots of water during the day. It is not necessary to change your eating habits

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This Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula

Limited Offer Today!! Slimor + Acai (750mg) Weight Loss & Acai Cleanse Formula Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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